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Job Opportunity: Indigenous Caucus Director

Update: The deadline for application submissions has been extended to December 5th, 2024.


This is a contract position to March 31, 2025, with a possibility of an extension for the subsequent fiscal year(s).

The Indigenous Caucus (the Caucus) of the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Project seeks a collaborative leader with an appreciation for the diversity of Indigenous perspectives on natural resource development, and the ability to identify strategic opportunities, communicate clearly, and build consensus to advance common goals and interests.

The Director will work closely with the Caucus, the communities impacted by the project, government/regulator partners on the Committee, and others to advance shared goals of safety, protection of the environment, and respect for Indigenous rights and interests on the Trans Mountain Expansion project (TMX) and existing pipeline.


The Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion and Existing Pipeline (IAMC-TMX or Committee) brings together Indigenous and federal government representatives to enhance monitoring of the pipeline(s) and provide advice to federal regulators. The IAMC consists of 19 members who have a shared goal for the safety and protection of the lands, waters, and other interests of Indigenous Peoples. We are:

  • 13 Indigenous people selected by Indigenous communities from the regions along the route of the Trans Mountain Expansion project. This is the Indigenous Caucus.
  • 6 senior Federal Government representatives.

To learn more about the IAMC-TMX, visit http://iamc-tmx.com/


The Caucus Director is responsible for ensuring that Caucus delivers on its roles and responsibilities, as outlined in the Committee Terms of Reference and elsewhere, and to shape and implement the strategic direction set by the Caucus and which is guided by the priorities identified by the 129 impacted communities. The Caucus Director oversees and coordinates the workplan and budget to support the Indigenous Caucus.

Reporting directly to the Chair of the GAFSC, and responsible to the whole of Indigenous Caucus, the Caucus Director is charged with the effective and efficient management, coordination, implementation and reporting of activities associated with the Indigenous Caucus.


  • Provide advice to the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee to ensure it effectively fulfills its mandate and obligations
  • Oversee the efficient and effective operations of the Indigenous Caucus, including in areas of administration, finance, communication and engagement
  • Ensure fair, open sourcing processes to procure, on behalf of Indigenous Caucus, consulting, contractor and professional services, with a focus on Indigenous procurement and ensuring that sourcing processes are conducted in a responsible, accountable and ethical manner
  • Create a safe and healthy work environment and ensure compliance with all federal and provincial legislation and regulations
  • Develop and maintain strong, trust-based relationships with Indigenous community leaders, Elders, and other key stakeholders
  • Coordinate the development of a strategic plan with Indigenous Caucus, including objectives and key performance indicators for measuring progress
  • Oversee development of an annual operational plan in alignment with the strategic plan, inclusive of Indigenous Caucus and Subcommittee workplans and budgets
  • Collaborate with internal teams to integrate Indigenous engagement and considerations across all relevant business functions and operations, including implementation of culturally appropriate protocols, processes, and communication channels to enable meaningful dialogue and participation of Indigenous peoples
  • Review budgets and cash flows with a view to ensure outcomes are on track and collaborate with any finance partners to provide regular reports to Indigenous Caucus and main committee.


  • Communicate in an efficient and timely manner to the Indigenous Caucus and main committee regarding emerging financial issues that could impact the fiscal health of the initiative.
  • Provides input to the audit report development and takes action to implement and operationalize recommendations
  • Facilitate the orientation and training of incoming Indigenous Caucus members, to help them learn their roles and responsibilities, including as this concerns conflict of interest and dispute resolution
  • Oversee the development and implementation of the Committees agendas, briefing notes and other preparation for meetings based on the common priorities of the impacted communities.
  • Coordinate Committees meetings and discussions to drive consensus-building and decision-making
  • Lead the development of the IAMC-TMX Annual Report and Line Wide Report.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in a leadership role, preferably in a community- based or non-profit organization
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience overseeing financial and fiscal management
  • Strong understanding of the priorities and challenges faced by Indigenous communities impacted by TMX
  • Excellent communication, facilitation, and consensus-building skills- Commitment to fulfilling the Indigenous Caucus’ mission, the interests of the main committee and the priorities of the 129 Indigenous communities
  • Ability to inspire and motivate others


  1. Completion of post-secondary education (bachelor’s level) in a relevant field or equivalent combination of experience and training acceptable to the Caucus.


  1. Ability and willingness to travel regularly within BC and Alberta.
  2. Preference may be given to Indigenous candidates


Interested candidates are asked to express their interest to the Caucus. An expression of interest must include:

  • Application Letter. The letter should describe:
    • Your understanding of the IAMC-TMX, its goals, objectives and guiding principles;
    • Why you are interested in serving the Caucus; and
    • What you offer the Caucus, highlighting relevant experience, knowledge, and competencies.
  • Complete CV. The CV must include your past employment history and education or training.
  • Partner Experience, if applicable. If you work as part of a firm or with partners, provide a description of the experience and capacity of any other resources available to the Caucus via this relationship.
  • Disclosure of past work experience on TMX. You are asked to disclose past work experience (direct and indirect) on the Trans Mountain Expansion Project or existing pipeline with Kinder Morgan, Trans Mountain Corporation, and/or its contractors.
  • Compensation. Please outline your rates or expectations.

If you possess the necessary skills and experience and are passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of the impacted communities, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity.

Please send your expression of interest to info@iamc-tmx.com no later than December 5th, 2024. Thank you in advance for your interest.

Posted in



Call for Indigenous Caucus Members! The Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC) for the Trans Mountain Pipelines and Marine Shipping (TMX) is looking for new Indigenous Caucus members for the term from April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2027. This is an opportunity for Indigenous communities affected by TMX to select their representatives. Nomination Deadline: February 14, 2025, by 10:59 PM PST/11:59 PM MT Send nominations to Maya Ollek at mollek@jfklaw.ca More information: https://www.iamc-tmx.com/call-for-indigenous-advisory-and-monitoring-committee-indigenous-caucus-members-for-a-term-beginning-april-1-2025/


The IAMC-TMX Indigenous Monitoring Subcommittee (IMSC) is organizing a two-day Community of Practice event for Indigenous Monitors. This gathering will bring together professionals from various organizations and departments to share knowledge, develop best practices, and learn from each other's experiences. The event will be held at the BC Museum of Anthropology and coincide with a First Nations exhibit, providing a culturally enriching backdrop. Plenary sessions and meals will be held at the adjacent golf course. Learn more about the IMSC: www.iamc-tmx.com/im-program/


Ready to make a real impact? The Emergency Management Subcommittee (EMSC) of the IAMC-TMX is seeking a Contract Emergency Management Program Manager to join our team. Help us build resilient communities and respond effectively to disasters. Learn more: www.iamc-tmx.com/contract-opportunity-emergency-management-program-manager/

From the Canada Energy Regulator (CER): As part of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) and Filing Manuals (FM) update, the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) is inviting you to attend a workshop on 13 February. We would like to collect feedback and better understand heritage resource management processes and procedures applicable to regulated companies across Canada. Our intention is to better understand the regulatory landscape in which CER-regulated companies are implementing heritage resource management programs, and to identify opportunities for: 🔹improved compliance oversight, 🔹protection of sites on right-of-way (ROW), and 🔹best practices. Cultural heritage resources, or heritage resources, can include archaeological or historic sites, traditional land use sites, artifacts and other objects or sites of historical, cultural or spiritual significance. Attendance: We are inviting subject-matter-experts (SMEs) and practitioners who conduct heritage resource programs for Indigenous Nations or their representative organizations to participate in a workshop hosted by the CER. For example, SMEs in this area could be Archaeologists, Traditional Land Use Specialists, consultation technicians, heritage professionals or practitioners working within Indigenous Nations (referral offices, resource offices, other departments) or their representative organizations, and/or heritage resources program managers. 🔹 Date: February 13, 2025 🔹 Format: Hybrid (in-person at CER headquarters in Calgary and online) 🔹 Registration: Email opr-rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca *Note: there is an in-person capacity limit of 40. Given the room capacity constraints, preference will be given to 1 attendee from an Indigenous community, however, we may accept up to 2 people. Objective: The workshop will provide an opportunity for SMEs to engage directly with the CER to discuss challenges and opportunities of conducting heritage resources work related to CER regulated projects. Language: English and French (simultaneous interpretation). Accessibility and Accommodations: If you plan to attend in-person, please indicate what accommodations you need to participate in the workshop. Accommodations could include mobility requirements, food allergies, language requirements, etc. A $500 grant is available for an attendee from an Indigenous community of the in-person session on 13 February, and any related travel costs up to $3000. Once your in-person registration is confirmed, we will send you a grant letter for signature. The CER will also host virtual workshops for SMEs who work for regulated companies and their heritage resource consultants on 14 February. Please register via email to opr-rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca.


25 field monitoring kits, equipped with tools like rangefinders and water quality testers, are now in the hands of Indigenous communities. These kits, distributed by IAMC-TMX's Indigenous Monitoring Subcommittee (IMSC), support vital on-the-ground monitoring. Learn more about the IMSC: www.iamc-tmx.com/im-program/


The IAMC-TMX's Emergency Management Subcommittee (EMSC) offers free, community-based emergency management training, including hazard and risk assessments, emergency response planning, and Incident Command System (ICS) training. We’re working together to build resilient communities. Learn more about the EMSC: www.iamc-tmx.com/emergency-management/


We're excited to have sponsored three interns from the I-STEAM Pathways program at the University of Alberta. They're part of a program that helps university Indigenous students get hands-on experience in environmental work under the guidance of their mentors. These interns brought fresh ideas and perspectives, learning, teaching, and helping with important initiatives. We trust these interns had a fulfilling and impactful time in their internship which will carry into their future studies and work. #IAMCTMX Read more: https://www.iamc-tmx.com/iamc-tmx-sponsors-interns-through-the-i-steam-pathways-program/ Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnAUNxfosic


IAMC-TMX Contract Opportunity: Emergency Management Program Manager The purpose of this call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) is to offer a term contract opportunity for a dedicated resource to support the work of the Emergency Management Subcommittee (EMSC). Link for more information at

Updated their status.

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