Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw waut
Community Outreach and Relationships Specialist
Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw waut, also known as Pam Jack, is a dedicated individual with a strong sense of heritage and community. Raised by Culxhilum Russell Edward Norris and Xun'xii'nu'wut Margarete Norris, Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw waut comes from Penelakut Island, with ancestral ties to Halalt, Tseycum, and Lyackson.
For the past three years, Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw waut has been serving as an Outreach and Coordination Specialist at the IAMC-TMX (Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion project). In this role, Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw wauthas had the privilege of working closely with the communities of Vancouver Island, Burrard, and the lower Fraser region.
Passionate about outreach and dedicated to supporting her people, Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw waut actively collaborates with colleagues to advocate for the health and well-being of the 32 marine communities they serve. Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw waut firmly believes in the importance of working for the benefit of generations to come, upholding the values of integrity, ancestral wisdom, and the limitless curiosity displayed by children.

In the words of her great grandmother, Cecelia Jim, Ch uh’ keen n uh’ kw waut has always strived to leave a positive impact on the world, doing her best to honor the intentions and hearts of the people.